Q-Net mobile app is available through the mobile information services such as the qualification test schedule, application submission, Announcement.
Version: 1.0.28
Program available in: Korean
Program license: Free
Program by: 한국산업인력공단.
Q-Net is an Android app developed by 한국산업인력공단..
Q-Net first became available on 12 Apr 2013. It is estimated that Q-Net has been downloaded between 1000000 and 5000000 times from the Play Store.

Programs similar to Q-Net
전자문제집 CBT
각종 자격증 기출문제를 컴퓨터를 이용하여 풀기(해설, 자동채점, 오답노트, 모의고사, 틀린문제 모아풀기)
훈련과정, 훈련기관, 훈련비 등 고용노동부에서 지원하는 다양한 직업능력개발사업에 대한 정보제공 및 QR출결, 비콘출결 시스템 제공
QNET Mobile
This version is retiring soon!
각종 시험 일정 정보 2016
In one application of the various test schedule information ~